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Parent What You Preach

A former certified behavioral therapist for children with disabilities, Kierstena -mom of 2 (almost 3)-  challenges herself and others to use the techniques and training she used - and taught other parents to use- during the 6 years of her career. This blog is intended to encourage, inform, inspire, and relate to parents of all situations and backgrounds.


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Creative Dance Game "Cookies"

I try to teach each of the elements of dance (time, energy, and space) in my creative dance lessons. Saturday we will have a lesson on energy. Since this is an abstract concept for kids, I use games like "Cookies" and visuals and words to express the quality of movement. For example, I will show a picture of an egg intact and then an egg dripping down after it has been cracked. Kids will get to imitate the movement of the egg. In Cookies game, the children get to be the ingredients,  and then they become the sticky goopy cookie dough, then they get rolled out and stamped into a cookie shape. Kids LOVE this game, I know I did when my mom would play it with us! So, if your child has never made cookies with you, this is a good opportunity to talk about what the ingredients look like and feel like- how the sugar sprinkles into the bowl or how the butter melts from a rectangular shape into a goopy blob. In imitating these things with their bodies, kids can learn that dance moveme...

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